Omega in the News - The Rattle - October 1951

As appeared in The Rattle - Oct. 1951

Theta Chi Field Secretaries Circuit

Margeson's Memoirs by Paul S. Margeson

OMEGA at Penn State was my first stop in 1951, and here I found a thriving chapter with an excellent house. After a day in Trenton I journeyed to Pi at Dickinson College. It was well represented on the school football team. At one game there were nine Theta Chis on the field at the same time. My next stop was very familiar, Alpha Tau at Ohio U. The last time I had been here was four yearsprevious when I left via the cap and gown mute. I had a fine time renewing acquaintances and having a lively chat with Starr Lasher. This chapter has really progressed in four years.