Omega News - May 1931 Rattle

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Formal Banquet - Pledge Quiz

Omega Chapter, (Penn State) commemorated Founders' Day with a formal banquet at the chapter house at 7 o'clock, April 10. Prances J. Doan, alumnus adviser, was the principal speaker of the evening and gave a complete history of the organization. Not only was it the anniversary of the founding of the fraternity, but it was also a day of rejoicing for the former faculty adviser, who on that day journeyed to Altoona, Pennsylvania, and brought his son back from the City Hospital. Jackie, who is only six years old, almost lost his life following an operation for double mastoids eight weeks before. Omega also celebrated April 10 by subjecting the pledges to an unlimited fire of questions pe to the history of Theta Chi. By evening the answers were coming back fast and true and without the slightest hesitancy.