Omega Chapter in The Rattle - The Rattle, March 1929

As appeared in The Rattle - November 1929

Omega News

Omega (Penn State) - Born to Brother and Mrs. Murrell D. McKinstry, 1515 Fair­ view Street, Reading, Pennsylvania, Janu­ ary 31, 1928, a son, George M.

Omega (Penn State) - Born to Brother and Mrs. C. E. Beaven on December 26, a son, John Righy. Brother Beaven is with the Southern Friction Fabric Company, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Theta Chi a Leader in Intramural Sports On Many Campuses Throughout Country

Omega at Pennsylvania State College had the baseball manager for intramurals last year. No statistics are given, but Omega has shown a good record among other groups.

Head Major Social Affairs

Omega Members Are Chairmen of Senior and Military Balls - Freshmen Enjoy Exchange Dinners - BY F. G. THOMPSON

Pennsylvania State College, January 30 - The most notable event in January for Omega was the Senior Ball. Richard Geu­der, chapter president, and owner of a large family of honrary keys and shingles, was chairman of the Ball Committee. The Saturday following the Ball a tea dance was held at the chapter house. Several other fraternities were invited for the dance. In the evening our sophomores and freshmen were invited to the Sigma Pi's dance and the upperclassmen drifted around from one house dance to another faithfully fulfilling the old State custom of visiting. 

Spencer Clinger, '29, and Robert Faries, '31, re­turned to their alma mater for the week­ end of festivities.

Albert W. Gilmer, a Northeast High boy from Philadelphia, was pledged January 28, making the neophyte aggregation seventeen in number.

Omega's freshmen entertained the Sigma Pi fresh­ men at a dinner party January 16. Several. days afterward our freshman received an invitation to a similar affair at the Sigma Pi House. Many more of these get-togeth­ ers are being planned.

John Bowman, '29, is acting chairman of the Military Ball Committee and will strive hard to make his function outstrip the Senior Ball. Beverly Decker, '31, is a second assistant boxing manager, and Harry Girard, '31, is a second assistant track manager. Carl Valentine, '29, is in early training with the baseball battery. Pledge Roy Maize finished "on top" as a 115-pounder in the freshman wrestling scrap. Pledge Charles Hammond successfully passed the eliminations and is now a permanent overhanging fixture at the center of the freshman basketball squad. Pledge Jack Carson is on the pub­ licity committee of the "Y" Cabinet.

Donald Stoner, '25, Omega's premier pianist, stayed several days with us this month. Brother Stoner is working for the U. S. Forestry Department in the State of Wash­ington and is living in Bellingham, Wash­ington. Benjamin Franklin Ricker, Omega, '27, was a recent visitor.

Brother Miller, from Upsilon, stopped to chat with us a few minutes January 27.

We all are now keen­ ly anticipating mid-years, the interfraternity bridge tournament, and initiation; all of these take place within a few weeks.