Omega Plans for New House - The Rattle, Jan. 1929

President Schrenk Makes Special Trip to Attend Meeting in the Wee Sma' Hours
By Forrest G. Thompson - Pennsylvania State College, November 7, 1928.

Only eighteen men returned this year to face the problem of rushing under the new code. Co-operation netted us eleven freshmen on the scheduled eve of pledging. Within several weeks this number was raised to fifteen freshmen and one sophomore, a large class, considering that our chapter roll usually runs about thirty-five.

On October 20 many of us traveled to Philadelphia to root for our Penn State football team as the Nittany Lion pitted itself against the Red and Blue. We enjoyed greatly the excellent dance and general festivities at the Kappa chapter house that night.

The week-end following the Penn game we welcomed our alumni. Between the graduates and brothers from Syracuse,who are true followers of their team, we had a houseful. The alumni who returned are: G. W. F. Chapman. '20. John A. Irwin, '16, E. B. Cassel, '19, Walter B. Shaw, ‘21, A. F. Shoeppe, '20, G. E. Way, '27, B. W. Norton, '25, N. E. Frick, ’26, E. W. C. Oermann, ‘22, L. H. Clouser, '25’, T. H. Seltzer, ’26, P. H. Marvell, '29, and T. W. Jackson, ’31.

A joint meeting of alumni and actives was held at one o'clock Sunday morning, due to the late hour at which National President Prank H. Schrenk arrived. The main interest centered about plans relative to the building of a new house. President Schrenk made a hurried trip to State College from Philadelphia at midnight in order to help us get started on our building project.

The financial feasibility of different plans was discussed by President Schrenk and John Irvin, Omega, ’16, resulting in the adoption of a definite program. It looks as though Omega will break ground for a new house in the spring. President Schrenk spoke to the chapter and alumni concerning Theta Chi and its notable progress during the past decade. Later he also spoke to the pledges, particularly stressing their obligation to their fraternity-to-be and the responsibility of wearing the pledge pin.

Hold School of Instruction
At Penn State an interfraternity confer, ence is held annually which takes on the character of a school of instruction, experts discussing with departmental groups vari, ous fraternity problems. Omega Chapter's officers attend one hundred per cent. Two joint dances were held last year with Phi Kappa Psi and One each with Phi Sigma Kappa and Kappa Sigma. Penn State freshmen receive their rough, tough non initiation­ Stunt Nite. The sophomores of Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Sigma Rho, Theta Kappa Phi, and Theta Chi always keep their freshmen rounded up together in order to protect them from excessive hazing.

Theta Chi Interfraternity Leaders
Haley H. Milligan; Penn State