2019 Board of Directors Election Results

Dear Brothers,

I’m writing to you all today to ask that you please join me in congratulating the following Brothers for their election or re-election as members of the Alumni Board of Directors:

  • Aaron Speagle (President)

  • Al Romanoski (Newly Elected)

  • Jim Smith (Newly Elected)

Brothers Spealge, Romanoski, and Smith will join Brothers Chris Burke, Paul Kirkegaard, and myself to comprise the 2020 Alumni Board of Directors for our chapter. They begin their two-year term effective immediately. We truly appreciate those of you who took the time to vote in our recent election, as we achieve a new record for voter turnout. If you participated (or intentionally did not participate), please provide us with feedback regarding your voting experience this election cycle. We want to hear your thoughts on the process in order to seek continuous improvement, and to better reach all of you.

We continually strive to serve our chapter with the alumni advisory board members, our numerous active alumni, and our undergraduate members. The Board will focus on rebuilding our beloved chapter. We faced significant challenges this year as a chapter, but I am confident we will become a better organization because of them. As always, we aim to be as transparent as possible, and are open to questions, comments, and criticism.

If at any point you wish to reach the Board of Directors, please feel free to email the address below. For those that prefer to communicate via phone, I will provide my personal cell number upon request.

Once again, Congratulations to Brothers Speagle, Romanoski, and Smith!

Love and Respect,
Edward Wallace ‘12
Alumni Secretary