2015 House Projects Update - Bar Room Floor

As the actives have moved back into the house, we would like to update the alumni on the work that was completed over the summer. We took advantage of the house being closed over the summer to have the new bar room floor installed, as the old floor had to be removed due to asbestos. We contracted a company called Standard, out of Harrisburg ,which was both the product manufacturer and installer. The concrete floor was diamond ground, a binder applied, a cementious epoxy layer troweled on and then an epoxy anti-skid wearing coating rolled on the service. The company created integral baseboards around the perimeter to help with cleaning of the floor. Our hope is that this floor will last many years and is a good test so determine if this type of floor system will be an option for the kitchen when the time comes for its replacement. 

Other work we completed included the cleaning and waxing of the dining room floor, repair of the radiator covers, flushing and service of the heating system, code inspection repairs, bathroom steam cleaning of both the second and third floor, beginning of upgraded wireless internet service and the renovation of the laundry bathroom.