26th Annual Theta Chi Open Update


The 26th Annual Theta Chi Open was won going away by  The top four were Brothers Mooney, Greg Schlegel (88), Bob Mausser (89), Schlegel (89) and Tony Bernardo (90).  The numbers in parenthesis are there golf scores not their age.  Brother Mausser won the Man Miles Award as he traveled all the way from Houston, Texas. Final scores are listed below. Brother Bob Mooney shooting an 83.

A new tradition, the Tachi Cup, was born at this Open. The Tachi Cup is awarded to the low group score based on a handicap system.  The winners of the inaugural Tachi Cup were Ken Oeschger, Dennis Hottel, John Loyle and Dave Zovath.  Similar to a Scramble event this format allowed all Brothers to have a reasonable shot at winning the Cup.  Perhaps a Krapper Cup should be awarded to the worst scoring group. 

A total of 34 Brothers attended on a beautiful day.  They enjoyed a great 19th hole outing featuring a pig roast.  Brother Alan Vladmir was the youngest Brother in attendance and in fine Theta Chi tradition got to kiss the hind side of the pig. The party went on after the Open as many Brothers stayed at the nearby Sheraton Post Inn located in King of Prussia, PA.

The 27th Annual Theta Chi Open will be held, as always on the first Friday in May, May 2nd, 2008 at Turtle Creek Golf Club located in Limerick, PA.  Mark it on your calendar.

Mike Perkins '76

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