Welcome Prospective Rushees


Thanks for coming to the Greek Involvement Fair and learning about Theta Chi Fraternity. I know I personally had a great time getting to meet so many of you and hope to see you at our upcoming events! Join our facebook rush group for the dates and times by clicking here.

In order to rush, you MUST attend an informational meeting held by the Interfraternity Council (IFC). They will take place this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 9:30pm in 105 Forum. After that you'll be all set to rush our fine fraternity!

Our first event is our Zone Night open house and root beer kegger, which will be held on an evening between September 5th and 8th (we haven't been told which night yet but we'll let you know when they assign them). Come out to our house at 523 South Allen Street (brick house five blocks from campus) and hang out and meet brothers!

Again, if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me. We look forward to seeing you soon!

And for your entertainment, check out this video!