Omega Chapter Prepares for Thon

Dear Brothers,
THON is going real well this year! We just recently got a new family, the Mourey's. Sherry and her two twin 10 year old sons, Ryan and Brandon, are really incredible people. Ryan has been in remission for 2 years now!

One of our most interesting and educational experiences was a trip to the Hershey Medical Center. Earlier in the semester we applied for a trip and we were fortunate enough to be accepted. Around 10 brothers from Theta Chi went on a tour of the center and learned all about the Four Diamonds fund and the uses of the money. It was a truly eye-opening experience. It was really great to see our money at work. We even got to meet a bunch of THON families.

Aside from our family, we participated in the THON 5K as well as the THON Family Carnival. Our first canning weekend was quite successful. Our weekend trip was to Ohio and our day trips were to Harrisburg. We raised about $1600. Our second canning weekend two weekends ago, to Allentown and Harrisburg were even more successful. We raised a little over $2000.

We are well on our way to making even more money than we have in the past. Each of the brothers has their own pledge book and has been encouraged to ask their family and friends. There are two more canning trips left and lots of money to be raised!! THON 2006 is February 17-19 and Theta Chi can't wait!

Josh Block
Thon Chairman

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