Omega News and Leaders - The Rattle, June 1941

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXIX, No. 6 - June 1941

Sixth Assembly Success
The Attendance Trophy was won by Omega Chapter of the Pennsylvania State College for having sent the most men the greatest distance.

Omega’s Campus Leaders
Among Omega‘s activity leaders at Penn State are the chapter president, Howard R. Alter, Jr., '41, president of Pi Gamma Alpha, fine arts society, Scarab, A.S.C.E., and co-chairman of the 1941 Junior Blazer Committee; Francis K. Richwine, '41, a member of Penn State‘s eastern intercollegiate championship riffle team; Wilbur Van Lenten, '43, varsity football and basketball; Robert L. Harder. Jr., '42, varsity fencing; Alfred J. Heitner, '42, varsity wrestling; Mark A. Richards, '42, varsity debating; Henry C. Suppan ‘41, Penn Stale Blue Band; Daniel Dimidio, '44, freshman football; Alvin C. Dill, Jr., '41, has just completed the C.A.A. flying course and now holds a private pilot’s license.

1941 Convention
Theta Chi’s first school, held at the University of Illinois convention in 1939 was such a marked success that plans were immediately started for the second school to be held at the 1941 Convention. George W. Chapman, national marshall, who is acting as director of the school, recently released the program for the 1941 session.

National Board of Trustees

INSURANCE COUNSELOR is a new title in the National Board of Trustees and the wearer of it is Norman Conrad Horner, Penn State, '16, charter member of the North East Club which became Omega Chapter. After serving as first lieutenant with the U. S. Army Engineers, he held several engi-neering positions before identifying himself with Hutchinson Rivinus Co. He was for-merly a deputy counselor in Region 3.